Yang Shuguang

In-school time:2021/09-Present
Grade:The class of 2021 doctor's graduate students
Major:Structure Engineering
Supervisor:Prof. Dongmei Huang
Academic Title:Doctor Candidate
Degree:Doctor of Engineering


Education Background

》》 2014/09-2018/06 Chengdu Jincheng College,Civil Engineering,Bachelor

》》 2018/09-2021/06 Chongqing Jiaotong University,Construction and Civil Engineering,Master

Honors & Awards

[1] 2021-2022 First and second class scholarships for graduate.

[2] Excellent Master's Thesis at the 2021 school level;

[3] Outstanding Master's Graduates at the 2021 school level;

[4] 2021 school level "exemplary individual of scientific and technological innovation";

[5] 2016-2018 school level "Outstanding Students" and "Outstanding Student Scholarships";

[6] Second prize in the 2016 school level "Structural Design Competition".

Research Experience

[1] 2023 Hosted the "Wind Tunnel Test Research on Safety Testing of ZTE Hongshe Remote Unit";

[2] 2022 Presided over the "Fluid–structure interaction Technology Wind Tunnel Test Research of Shenzhen AAU Wind Tunnel";

[3] Participated in the "Wind Tunnel Test Research on the New Tower and Supporting Projects of Zhuhai Airport" in 2022;

[4] Participated in the "Wind Tunnel Test Research of Chengdu Tianfu Wanda Tower 1 #" in 2022;

[5] 2021-2022 Participated in the "Research on Non-Gaussian Wind Pressure Mechanism and Methods, Improvement Measures, Aerodynamic Interference and Aeroelastic Effects of Super Tall Buildings" (General Project 52078503 of the National Natural Science Foundation of China);

[6] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Research on the Dancing Characteristics of Continuous Iced Transmission Lines Considering the Influence of Bending Stiffness" (CYS19240, a graduate research innovation project in Chongqing);

[7] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Research on Nonlinear Dancing Characteristics of Continuous Iced Conductors" (National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project 51308570);

[8] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Research on the Mechanism and Anti vibration of Subspan Oscillation of Ultra High Voltage Transmission Lines" (National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project 51507106);

[9] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Theoretical and Experimental Research on Vibration Reduction of Bridge Deck Excited Stay Cable Auxiliary Cable Based on Asynchronous Vibration" (National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project 51808085);

[10] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Research on Disaster Prevention and Control Methods Based on Continuous Iced Wire Dancing" (Chongqing Education Commission Science and Technology Research Project KJ201600712182);

[11] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Research on Subspan Oscillation Characteristics of UHV Transmission Lines" (Research on Subspan Oscillation Characteristics of UHV Transmission Lines 16ZB0429);

[12] 2019-2021 Participated in the "Research on Dancing and Early Warning of Ultra High Voltage Transmission Lines" (Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau 2020 International Exchange and Cooperation Project 2020-GH02-00059-HZ).

Academic Achievements

[1] Yang S G, Liu X H, Liang H B, et al. Galloping characteristics of iced transmission lines under the excitation of periodic aerodynamic loads [J]. Noise and vibration control, 2021, 41(3): 1006-1355. (In Chinese)

[2] Liu X H, Yang S G, Cai M Q, et al. Analysis of primary resonance and harmonic resonance of ice-coated transmission line excited by periodic load [J]. Chinese journal of applied mechanics, 2022, 39(1):11. (In Chinese)

[3] Liu X H, Yang S G, Min G Y, et al. Forced-self-excited system of iced transmission lines under planar harmonic excitations[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 110(2): 1175-1197.

[4] Liu X H, Yang S G, Wu C, et al. Planar nonlinear galloping of iced transmission lines under forced self-excitation conditions[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021, 2021: 1-20.

[5] Liu X H, Yang S G, Min G Y, et al. Investigation on the accuracy of approximate solutions obtained by perturbation method for galloping equation of iced transmission lines[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 2021: 1-18.

[6] Liu X H,Yang S G,Sun C S,et al. Discussion on the analytical solution precision of transmission lines galloping based on average method and multiscale method[J]. Science Technology and Engineering,2020,20( 31) : 12863-12871 (In Chinese)